Yoga Poses

8 Dirty Truths about Teaching Kids Yoga

Yoga has become more situational topics at the age. But kid’s yoga is somehow separate from adult yoga poses system. Before you decide to become a kid’s yoga instructor or start yoga with your class at school, you will want to get acquainted with these 8 dirty truths about teaching kids yoga.

There will be tears: The trigger may be over-tired, or unable to lead the game, or feel overwhelmed, or one of them is thrown off during the yoga tag, or they are frustrated when they fail to do their favorite pose properly. Tears are part and parcel of what kids learn about their emotions and how they can handle life. School yoga classes are especially prone to this reaction, since children have already dropped a full day of education, may not have enough after school snack (low-blood sugar often causes sensitive melting) or may require only TLC where the rest of the class burns excess energy.

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Classes are noisy: laughter, chatter, roar, trim, song, powerful chanting and more are part of a yoga class for kids. One grade 5 teacher once asked me how to calm her students during yoga. This point is so much important that kids use their yoga freely, we can’t force them and they do it as there scope. I believe that the word happy is productive for learning. One rule, however, is when everyone else listens when the instructor speaks. That way it can be explained and instructed, and then the activities can be fully interactive. So have fun, make some noise!

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You will be interrupted: Half of the adults in your yoga class think that for the first time, the loudest sounds that come to mind whenever the teacher begins to explain a posture or activity. Half way through a story, just ask, Can I go to the bathroom? And To play game with his friends on holiday, when the mother give back home late from work, a favorite TV show you’ve heard of, Daddy said that nasty comment again you now add kids being in class.

Classroom management is a necessary skill: You need to have some classroom management skills to keep your Bobby from constantly playing with Gong, avoiding tension with his best friend Zoey, and Beth from using yoga mats like her slogan. Kids usually know how to behave, but will take advantage of any opportunity for chaos. Each child yoga instructor needs to find their own classroom management style so that the environment is conducive to learning and development. Remember that you are in charge.

When you mess up, you will be told: Adults are usually humble when trainers make minor mistakes, stumble over their words, or fall flat on their faces. Kids – not so much! They like to point out your shortcomings, perspectives and inconsistencies. Instructors have two options: 1) achieve perfection 2) develop a sense of humor. Since perfection is far from me, I find laughing at my mistakes a lot more fun. Also, the way adults respond to errors helps kids manage their own mistakes in a positive, life-affirming way.

Classification is similar to cats: Each group has different age, physical, mental and mental ability and maturity level. Add in the fact that kids attention spans can be measured in minutes and you have an interesting challenge on your hands. Establishing a class routine and making sure the themes are child friendly will allow the kids to spend time in any of the activities.

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It’s not about you: Kids love classes that focus on their interests. WebKinz, Hannah Montana, Star Wars, Creepy Crawlies, Princesses, Spiderman and more arise in yoga classes. When the instructor includes a yoga-inspired activity that excludes students’ favorite things, you know you’ve done a great job. Plus, every holiday from Valentines to Halloween provides fodder for fun. So don’t be surprised if you spend time wondering how to include a leprechaun or superhero in your next yoga class.

Props, Props and More Props: Most instructors for adult yoga classes use mat, an MP3 player and an eye pillow if you’re lucky. Iyengar classes whose will uses to improve a strap, a block, a blanket and perhaps a chair. The elementary list of any child’s yoga classes and books, dolls, feathers, scarves, pumps, parachutes, stuffed animals, musical instruments, hula hoops, card decks, Huberman spheres, rocks, balls, bean bags, craft supplies, colorful linen sheets. And many more, Make sure there is some storage space.

So there you have it: the reality of difficulties, trauma, and teaching kid’s yoga.

However there is a flip side. If you are happy with providing the tools to keep kids happy and healthy throughout life, share real time, live life with curiosity and creativity, want to end each class with a sense of satisfaction and love to embrace spontaneity, teaching kids yoga
is for you.

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